This is my middle dog... Dizzy. She's another Mama's baby. I cannot tell you the amount of mornings she spends sitting on my lap (hanging over a bit on either side)... in the winters. She is what we call a lap-dog extrodinair. A true pure bred beagle. She is just so one tracked minded, it's difficult to get her attention long enough to get her to come in the house after letting them out to go potty. Especially in this type of weather. Not all the ground is covered in snow, and there are just so many different directions her nose wants to take her.
My husband and I have many nicknames for her. Whizzer, Dizzy-Whizzy, (she used to pee a lot before we got her housebroken), Wheezie (sometimes when she's breathing while sleeping, she sounds like someone wheezing). Precious, Sweet-pea... and I know that doesn't cover all of our nicknames. But that doesn't cover everything. We also used to sing different songs about her... Like... "Here she comes just a walkin' down the street singing Do-Wa Dizzy, Dizzy Dumb Dizzy Do". I don't know... I should be careful... I might end up with PETA on my butt because our dogs are so mistreated. Not really... we are serious about choosing our pets... and we rescue what we can. Dizzy we have had since 1999. Her face has so much white on it at this point in time, but her mask when she was a puppy was so adorable. I fell in love.
Enjoy your weekends.
Penny Sue