Anyhow, here's the pic of my color inspiration box.
I should have taken a closer pic of just the box because it's so pretty, but I didn't think about that. My camera was forcing me to use settings that I was not used to and I was getting frustrated. But, the changes from "easy" and "auto" to actually using different settings changed the colors dramatically. The new settings I used show the colors more true. Easy and Auto are washed out quite a bit... especially when a flash gets involved. Easy and Auto are just settings on the dial.... makes me think of "Normal is just a setting on the dryer"... :)
I went to the local hardware store and grabbed as many paint swatches as I dared without fear they would tackle me on my way out the door. They sell Glidden paint, and now I'm having a hard time choosing my color for the walls and ceiling. First I wanted to do a soft medium toned green, not really interested in blue, but then I thought about a hue of brown. There are so many luscious colors out there, I'm even changing my mind about a blue.... but more of a turquoise hue... can you see my dilemma? Somewhere along the line I became this woman afraid of commitment :) But then I tell myself, it's only paint... and I can always change it. Besides, we are eventually going to renovate the bedrooms upstairs, so this is mostly a temporary fix to a really ugly room. But, if I wait for the "renovations" to take place upstairs, I'll be too old to care. Also, whatever we do to the room, I will reuse the drapes/curtains and bedding and pillows in the new room (if they aren't dry rotted by then... :)
These paint strips are the ones I've "narrowed my choices" to. You should see the stack I sorted these out of. This is showing the greens-blues. I'm fairly certain I won't use any blue. I'm so tired of blue. As an accent color is fine, but not interested in painting my whole room that color.
This is showing the blues/browns. Don't you think one of those medium browns would look scrumptious on the walls?
Yes, there is a piece of material in the middle of it all, but try as I might I cannot (no matter how I set the camera settings) get the true color and nature of the material, especially the greens. I purchased the whole bolt at JoAnn Fabrics. I had a 50% off coupon the entire amount that was left on the roll. What should have cost me well over $100 only cost a little over $50. I fell in love with the fabric. It's a floral almost like a damask, has flat color fabric and shiny fabric, and the colors of brown beige in the background, the horizontal lines are a very dark olive green, and the flowers are this amazing swirl of blues and greens. I will be making curtain swags and valances as well as decorative pillows and shams, and a cover for my dressing table bench seat.
Does anyone have any opinions? My husband says he doesn't care, you know how guys are. When I ask him what he means by "doesn't care", he says that he'll be fine with whatever I do because he trusts me to do a fantastic job. He knows that I will make it a comfortable room for him too, considering his personality to express in what I choose to do. Now there's a confidence booster! What a great guy I've got!
Have a great day. I welcome any advice or inspirations from you. Please don't hesitate to write me something of what you're thinking! Invite your friends to take a gander and share an opinion or two.
Penny Suzie