Two days ago, my dear husband asked me, for what must have been the 100th time, if I wanted to go out and work in the shop. For whatever reason, I didn't have this feeling of dread, or feeling overwhelmed, or a complete lack of confidence and desire. I simply said YES! I think my husband almost fell out of his chair. I know I had a hard time believing myself to have said yes after so many "no's" and excuses. This man is so precious to me, I truly don't know where I would be without him.
So.... we spent a few hours picking up garbage, putting away heaters from this past winter, putting in the air conditioner, moving everything (almost) that is for sale out of my back room into the front room/area. The intention is to have this back area to be my "workshop/studio" for everything and anything I make.
My goal is to make functional/useful pieces from someone elses throw aways or stuff I find in my travels out and about. Or I try to create entirely different things from what their original intent was. I have gleened ideas from everywhere, but mostly it's my way of trying to "go green". I'll have some retail, but it must all be made in the USA, no matter what it is. I kind of look at it that if I can make something functional from something that would have ended up as landfill.... well, that's my contribution. (One of them, anyhow.)
We put on some peppy music (Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, and Third Day; if you get the chance, you should listen to any of these artists, they are very honest, real and uplifting!). It gave us a little zip in our step and helped to keep us moving.
We set up a work table in the middle of my work space. It's a big surface. It will be very handy for furniture projects. Bigger things. Like pieces that I need to reapolster. Also, it's very sturdy.
I'll be back... we're going out again for a little while this afternoon. I'm taking my camera so you can see our progress. Also, you can see the current disaster and hopefully our journey towards my reopening. I'm actually getting excited. I'm so thankful for my husband's love for me and how well he takes care of me... and never, ever gives up on me. The following is a series of pics of what the shop looks like right now. It's not pretty, so brace yourselves! :)
This is looking in from the back door at my gift basket assembly station which is completely disorganized! Disaster area 101.
I've decided to keep this large set of drinking glasses. They are so very cool/retro looking. Probably from the 50's or 60's. It's a large set. I had a very reasonable price on them, and today I decided NOT FOR SALE! Someone elses loss is my gain.
Mmmmmmmmm.... new heaters. My husband resurrected the radiators that he put in my shop. We should be able to heat the whole shop from the wood boiler in our home. No more propane!
This rocking chair was purchased at auction for Dad. He loves to come and spend time with me while I'm open. In fact, I'm sure, he'll be right back at it once he realizes that power tools will be being used. Sorry it's not very tidy, but it's nice with the blankie folded nicely over the back of the chair and being able to see the cushion on the seat.
A peek into my "future kitchen". Right now it's just full of crap, to keep things rated "G".
The corner hutch is one of the first pieces of furniture my husband's brother built. It's so huge, there was only one place in my entire house that it would fit, so it works well out in my shop. However, I get a lot of people asking how much do I want for it. This too is not for sale.
I look forward to sharing my journey with you. It's going to be bitter-sweet because of so much past heartache, but I'm bound to be determined. And again, I thank my husband for his continued care and support. Hugs all around to y'all... Penny Sue
I really envy you having your own shop. That is my dream. I think it could really be fixed up cute. Is it right behind your house? Get to work on it, I'm anxious to see how it comes out!! lol.
Wish I had a space like this to work in! If I got rid of a lot of junk (for a G rating, too!) I could work in the other side of my garage. but I know that will NEVER happen. I don't think it's that much of a mess...all things are relative!!
'bout time you got moving on this stuff! Just do it! NOW!
Thaks to Anonymous... appreciate the encouragement... I guess, since I don't know the source.
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